Thursday, March 11, 2010

House Dreams

As previously mentioned, BF and I will begin hunting for our dream home at some point over the summer, when he is finished his MA in Bristol. As of now, we don't really know where that dream home will be situated, but that does not stop me from making wistful dreams as to what the inside of the house will look like, and I find myself frequently pouring over old copies of Living Etc. and Elle Interiør, as well as a billion different design blogs.

I have SO many ideas and plans, poor BF probably won't get a word in edge-wise as to what our surroundings will look like! I LOVE all of these rooms- and one thing is for sure; there better be room in that house for two things: a walk-in wardrobe for all mu lovely pretty precious clothes AND a home office, where I can write, read, work, blog and just get away from the world!

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