Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Have. To. Have. It.

I have fallen in love! Like, it's my summer 2010 soulmate, summer-fling, call it whatever, it is perfection. It's a dress! The most perfect, summery, beautiful, whimsical dress ever created. And the best part? It's from H&M! So it's cheap as chips. But the problem? It might as well have been made by the creative hands of Albert Elbas for Lanvin, because it is equally IMPOSSIBLE to get your hands on. Seriously. Like I have tried everywhere. EVERYWHERE. And zit. Nada. no dress for me. I have even rung store in Stockholm looking for it, but nope, still no dress. What's a girl to do??
I spotted the dress in an H&M ad in the American In Style magazine. But surly it should be widely available here in Europe; I mean, H&M is freaking Swedish! Now, I know that all the summer-collection are not out in stores yet, so I cling to that hope. Guess who'll be hitting every H&M store the greater Dublin area when landing in Ireland next week?!

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