Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Big 3.0

It's a day most women fear- and I have to admit I have had some scary visions of myself having an all-out-oh-my-God-I-need-Zanax kinda meltdown as the day approaches, but right now I am making plans for the day that is making my fear it less and be excited about it more. As I was planning on being in the UK anyway to celebrate the day with my own little family, aka BF and Nahla, we have decided that we will go to Paris for the day on my actual birthday, June 1st.

Ringing in the big 3.0 in the City of Lights with the loves of my life? Yeah, I think I can do that. Drinking Champagne on the hour every hour throughout the day (sips more than glasses, or I'll be falling onto the Eurostar going back to London that night!), eating my birthday-cake in a place wars have been fought for the sake of dessert? Stroll down Champs Elysees, baby in her Bugaboo Bee, on a warm summers' evening? Treating myself to a birthday-present to me from me in Chanel? Kissing BF under the Eiffel Tower? I can't think of any other way I would rather celebrate this milestone birthday- it sounds magical in every way.

Then upon return to Oslo, I'll throw the Party to end all Parties and invite friends, family, young and old to celebrate, drink, eat, play and have fun in the garden. Barbeque food, cold Coronas, balloons, cupcakes and barefoot dancing in the grass; perfect perfect perfect. Roll on next decade!

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