Monday, February 8, 2010

Tired Traveller

Last night as we touched down in Oslo Airport, I was so incredibly proud of my little princess! Not only had she been an impeccably well behaved baby from the moment we got in the car in Finnsnes, for the hour-long drive, the airport debacle and the entire flight- but she was amazingly STILL ASLEEP! Proof: Fast asleep on the bench in the arrivals hall. As my boobs were bursting at this point, I had to wake my little sleeping beauty up and literally stuff my boob in her mouth. She woke up, ate and fell back asleep for the journey home. The perfect travel companion!

Which is probably just as well as we are hitting the skies again in a couple of days, this time flying to Dublin, where her paternal grandparents are waiting to meet her. Her proud daddy will be there too, flying in from Bristol. As a family, we do stack up on air-miles, that's for sure! It was bliss last night as I was traveling with my sister. I have come to realize that when traveling with a bay, there is ALOT to be said for being two. At least. I mean; baby, handluggage, pram-pack, suitcases- it is impossible logistics when doing it alone. Which is what Nahla and I will be doing Thursday. Wish us luck!

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