Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shopping with baby=Mission Impossible!

After a bit of a "can't get out of our pj's" day yesterday, I was all set for some city-life today! I longed for my must-have take-away latte and cinnamon brioche, and as we are flying to Dublin Thursday morning, I was in desperate need of some new jeans- as I am not quite back in my old ones yet- although getting there!

So into town we went- in what can only be described as a mini-blizzard! Lucky I had snow-wheels on the Bugaboo- or we would have gotten stuck in the gritty pavement slush! After grabbing my treats from Kaffebrenneriet- and counting days till I can get my beloved Starbucks latte again- we headed for Zara. As I felt that familiar shopping-buzz when making our way through the door, my little princess did not seem to agree. Having slept like a little angel in her pram, she woke up as soon as we were through the doors- and let me know that she was NOT in the mood for Zara today! Crap. What to do, what to do? In the end- in pure desperation and a longing for those new jeans- I had to call my fab little sister, and superstar that she is, she came to my rescue. So while I hit the changing rooms laden with jeans- and some other goodies, Tonje paced the pavements outside Zara, and ensured my impatient little daughter got to sleep soundly while mummy get to exercise her Mastercard!

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