Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are you kidding me??

As far as I am concerned; one of the utter most enjoyable aspects of pregnancy- even at the last stretch when I was seriously fed up- was the absence of my period. It was utter bliss. No worrying about tampons or sanitary towels or granny knickers or getting my best Agent Provocateur thongs accidentally ruined. It was heaven. And I was under the distinct impression that it would take a while for your body to return to form after giving birth. Something you would think would also apply to your period. Hah- here's hoping. Yesterday I had this funny ache in the lower part of my back, VERY similar, I must admit, to the general discomfort I tend to have in the days before my period comes. But being in baby-la-la land, it never even entered my mind that it could be THAT TIME OF MONTH! Already! I mean, come on! I only gave birth 6 weeks ago! My uterus is barely back where it belongs- and now you're telling me it is ready to produce babies again??!

And sure enough. When I went to the bathroom this morning there was no longer any doubt. My body was back in action again. A mere 46 days after delivering my first baby, my body is ready to reproduce again! I must be freakishly fertile! Which, I suspect, I am, seeing as little Nahla was conceived while on the pill. I told my boyfriend that if he as much as looks at me, I'll get pregnant, which does seem to be the case. And I mean, the timing! Tomorrow morning we are flying to Ireland- to see him for the first time in 5 weeks- and I have my period! Just. My. Luck. Anyway, off to the shops to stock up on all my womanly products again. It was fun while it lasted, I guess!

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